Rev Up Your Engines and Organize a Poker Run
Take advantage of poker’s unique appeal and motorcycles’ distinctive magnetism
Poker runs are a great way to raise funds for a charitable cause. The event normally uses motorcycles; however, different variations involved bicycles, cars, boats, and even horses. But no matter what type of vehicle you prefer to use, as long as you have a full tank of gasoline and the drive to help those in need, then you’re all revved up and good to go. Organizing a fun poker run may seem daunting at first, but in hindsight, all the hard work and stress will surely pay off once you see the fruits of all your labor. Here are some of the important points to consider before planning a poker run.
1) Various institutions like the Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the H. E. R. O. E. S. Care provide a huge helping hand for their targeted cause. That’s why it’s always important to determine a charitable cause to raise funds for. Whether it is for a specific type of cancer research or a campaign to directly assist the United States’ brave soldiers, you should thoroughly plan and research ahead of time.
2) Since time is of the essence when organizing a poker run, you need to set a suitable date for the event. Pick out a time of the year when the weather smiles back at you for a more carefree riding experience. However, if your community has an upcoming festival or feast day, you can also consider connecting it in concurrence with the event.
3) Make sure to have reliable insurance papers and other necessary documents for your event to push through. You have to greatly consider the importance of all the riders’ safety and the establishments’ liability insurance.
4) To boost your funds, you have to get sponsors to support your event. It can be as simple as a business logo being displayed along the route or as fancy as a gasoline sponsorship from ExxonMobil. It won’t be hard to find an appropriate backer for a legitimate poker run event, especially with the attractiveness of the game of poker, and the offhand charm of motorcycles.
5) You need to firmly set guidelines for the event’s participants, and provide each one with a copy. Also, make certain the officials and other organizers know how the game works and the ranking of each poker hand. You wouldn’t want to get confused between participants and officials.
6) Carefully map a route while you drive and time it. Allot extra time for games and pit stops along the path. Convenience establishments are good options, especially when participants need to get their fill of coffee, soda, or take bathroom breaks. Just make sure to contact the management to notify them about possible traffic congestion in the area.
7) Lastly, there is no “I” in “team,” so you have to gather up volunteers for the poker run. Supply everyone with basic essentials like food, water, and uniforms for the whole day event. And to add more fun, you can also let them arbitrate exciting activities and mini-games in their outposts.
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