Say Goodbye to Officer Friendly and Hello To Motorcycle Robo Cop
The future is here, but fortuntately it's only on paper, for the moment. Conceived in the mind of the folks at maginactive.org, a non profit design site created by Charles Bombardier, the Interceptor and the Brigade, are a couple of two-wheeled Robocops that are built do deliver street justice by relentlessly scanning their surroundings for scofflaws using an array of high-tech gadgetry.
It's small and silent electric motor, allows this two wheeled Roomba to work 24/7 (or at least until it needs recharging) sucking up revenue from speeders, red light violators and illegal lane changers without needing human intervention. It's also not distracted by the "hot donut" sign at Krispy Kreme either.
The other design is a throwback to the 80's superbike angular style and one that looks even more futuristic.
So while we still might be a few years out before you see these self riding?, self balancing Judge Dredd enforcers on the highway, it's a unwelcome harbinger (from our perspective) of things to come.