Ignore The Porn Star When You’re Doing Dangerous Stunts
Recuperating in the hospital with a busted spleen, Steve Butler probably feels a little stupid right now. Earlier this week, Butler was in Australia training for an upcoming show at Sexpo, the world’s largest Health, Sexuality and Lifestyle exhibition, when porn star Jessica Drake, and her television cameras showed up. Butler is a stunt rider in the Quick-Fix Globe of Death. Up to this point, everything is going good, and then WHAM! Butler spots Drake, and the blood leaves the brain rushing downwards to fill his…uh..well, you know…leaving his poor brain starved of oxygen, resulting in a case of “Watch this shit” syndrome.
Manager and team owner, Gavin Walker put it this way, “As soon as he saw the cameras and Jessica Drake he started showing off and doing tricks he wouldn’t normally do. She is pretty hot.”
According to reports, Butler had previously damaged the spleen in an earlier accident and the intense G-forces of the globe and some high leaps on the HD Sportster finished the job. The spleen, and his ego had to be removed in an emergency operation at Royal Melbourne Hospital.
Actually, we’re just joking about the ego thing. It’s bruised, but intact.
According to the team owner, these type of spleen injuries are common. “A lot of motorbike riders lose them.”
Drake recently appeared in the latest 90 minute episode of the FX drama “Sons of Anarchy.” Fortunately, nobody was hurt in the filming of that show…at least not in real life.
There was no mention of the incident on Drakes official Twitter feed. The only reference was Sunday when she posted, “Yesterday was amazing, rode Harleys everywhere with a stunt team, drove a speedboat, & ate BBQ..”
The post Ignore The Porn Star When You’re Doing Dangerous Stunts appeared first on USRiderNews.