Is This The Star Wars Speed Racer Coming To A Motorcycle Dealership Near You?
We've all had that dream. The one where we're flying, effortlessly through the air like a super-hero.
Star Wars geeks might recognize this machine as something akin to the pod racers in The Phantom Menace.
We don't know if this flying machine si the future of motorcycles, but we guarantee it's like nothing you've ever ridden before.
Funded by Google's Larry Page, this "ultralight" flying car doesn't need a license to operate but, and it's a big one.. it's designed to be flown in “uncongested” areas, particularly over fresh water — it can’t be flown in cities so forget about cruising up to your local bike night on one of these.
The “Flyer,” as it’s known, will go on sale by the end of 2017, and the price hasn't been released, but the company does hint that this will be a pricey contraption.
Interested parties can pay $100 now for a three-year membership, which gives them “priority placement” on the waiting list plus a $2,000 discount on the retail price — so it’s safe to assume that the final unit will likely cost well into the tens-of-thousands of dollars realm. The membership also serves up access to key “experiences,” including a flight simulator, demonstrations, and other events.