NBC Host Calls Leather Clad Bikers "Losers"

(see her retraction at the end of this story)

NBC’s Hoda Kotb pissed off a lot of leather-wearing motorcycle riding enthusiasts with an offhand comment about the time she and  Kathie Lee Gifford went to a biker bar,  called Alabama Jacks in 2013.  “We dressed in leather, like a couple of losers really, like at the biker bar,” Kotb said.    Alabama Jacks is located in Key Largo Florida and is a frequent hangout of locals and motorcycle riders.

Bikers took their anger to the Facebook page for the show writing, “Saw the comments made about dressing up like losers in leather and going to Alabama Jacks. You just lost a loser in leather for rating ladies…have fun in your plastic, fake Barbie world!”   Another wrote, "I am seriously offended at Hoda's reference to dressing in leather and going to a biker bar as "dressing as losers". Obviously, she needs to get her head out of her dressing room and look at the facts. We are lawyers, doctors, secretaries, mechanics, military, police, college graduates, mothers, and fathers."


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To the Today Show….you should have two less people on your staff after making such derogatory and ignorant comments.They have always seemed to push the limits and I’ve never cared for the way they interact together.(Kathy Lee and Honda). If people on my staff did this they would absolutely be terminated. This is just not acceptable behavior for anyone who gets that much airtime.

Patricia Parsons

I’m wondering if her statement is being taken out of context. Just maybe she meant she felt like a loser because she was posing as a biker. I mean, if I saw some folks come into a bar wearing leathers and they arrived in a car, I’d surely question their sanity. Not that I care either way, and wonder why a real biker would give two shits about what anyone thinks about them and take the time to write an article. And bad on me for taking my time to read it.


You are absolutely clueless Hoda!! First of all, you and Kathy Lee don’t have to dress in leather to be losers. You two have trashy loser mastered. How about you and your lush of a co-host have another drink and fade away into the fake world you live in.


We have been told not to profile people most of the time by people of high professional positions. Maybe she should take that advice. If you are going to profile please do it with knowledge. As obviously you know nothing about the “biker” world. Please do your profiling about people you at least have knowledge of.


The comment that was made about biker is just pathetic. if this woman only knew the amount of charity work us Bikers do maybe she would change her feelings . Well i can say that me and my " Loser Biker Friends" raised over 5000 dollars for a friend in the BIKER community that was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreas cancer and it was from the generosity of " The Loser Bikers" in my community. Hoda you are a pathetic waste of human life and have no concept what "The Loser Biker " community does for people . Your Fake


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