NBC Host Calls Leather Clad Bikers "Losers"

(see her retraction at the end of this story)

NBC’s Hoda Kotb pissed off a lot of leather-wearing motorcycle riding enthusiasts with an offhand comment about the time she and  Kathie Lee Gifford went to a biker bar,  called Alabama Jacks in 2013.  “We dressed in leather, like a couple of losers really, like at the biker bar,” Kotb said.    Alabama Jacks is located in Key Largo Florida and is a frequent hangout of locals and motorcycle riders.

Bikers took their anger to the Facebook page for the show writing, “Saw the comments made about dressing up like losers in leather and going to Alabama Jacks. You just lost a loser in leather for rating ladies…have fun in your plastic, fake Barbie world!”   Another wrote, "I am seriously offended at Hoda's reference to dressing in leather and going to a biker bar as "dressing as losers". Obviously, she needs to get her head out of her dressing room and look at the facts. We are lawyers, doctors, secretaries, mechanics, military, police, college graduates, mothers, and fathers."


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Hoda, you sit behind a desk every day sipping your wine, toasting a new cocktail, or talking about drinks and you think thats OK at 10:00 in the morning? Really? Then you have some nerve to make a reference that Bikers in leathers are losers. What do you really know about Bikers except for your reruns of a James Dean movie? Bikers spend thousands of dollars for these bikes plus hundreds more for those Leathers to protect themselves from people in cars who use the “Didnt see the motorcycle” excuse. We are employed tax paying citizens & there are others who ride in just about every country…We are Vets, Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, doctors, lawyers, CEO, actors. We hold more events for charities, families in need, or Help a child whose been abused, There are Christian bikers, Lady Riders. Clubs & Groups, and ABATE … who are in almost every state fighting for riders rights….SO you get the picture??. We are everywhere.
By your own stupidity to make such a comment about a “Community” thats bigger than your viewing audience can be seen as your drunken lake of knowledge. As an FYI… before you speak your opinions on ANY group, you better do your homework> LIVE TO RIDE, RIDE TO LIVE!!


I Am super offended! I Think just like " the rest of the world" we DESERVE A NATIONAL APOLOGY…. who do you think you are? Really? Stop judging people because of their preferences in life.. Ignorant woman

new rider

speaking of losers people who talk like that are freakin losers biker donate more money to charities then any one dose and are always there when needed


I watched her daily, but no more. Leather Loser here!!! But mostly wife, mother, grandma, daughter, working woman, friend. Bye bye LOSER!


some one need to tell that uneducated “B” itch why bikers wear leather…. Typical ignorant liberal


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